July 4th was special when I was growing up. Our house was located enough up above Milligan Park that we could see the fireworks from our street . We would gather some chairs and sit in the street (it was a dead end street with a street light which mysteriously burned out before the show started) and patiently wait for the show to begin at the park. We would grade the various aerial bombs by cost. A little one would be $5 and a really great one would cost $25 in our late 1940's kid's rating system. We had no idea what they really cost -- but it was fun to speculate.
Some time in my history Dad began to play at the park in the old POSofA band. That was great because we got to go to the park for free and see the fireworks up close. Later I played in the same band and got to set right on the field up close and personal. Ah the past. So many memories of 4th of July fun. It has always been a great day for me -- even while I was in the Air Force Band -- we played for this special day -- lots of patriotic songs and marches to celebrate our independence.
Maybe I just did not listen or maybe I didn't understand about why we celebrate this holiday. I know I was taught the reason for this special day in our country's history -- but it apparently didn't soak in. All I knew was it was the day our forefathers, especially Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin, drew up a document that told England we were going to separate ourselves from them and that was it. It was signed on July 4th 1776. It was called the Declaration of Independence.
As I have grown older and wanted to know more about things -- I have read many books about those days after July 4th 1776. Those great men from the 13 colonies put their lives on the line -- in the face of losing their lives -- for the cause of independence for this new country. This day all those years ago was just the beginning. After the king of England got the word that HIS 13 colonies wanted to try an experiment with a whole new form of government -- and wanted to go it alone with no help or interference (or taxation) from England -- he went bonkers! He was going to lose part of the great British Empire and lose tax money. He immediately sent soldiers and ships and his navy -- the best in the world -- to put down this rebellion and stupid notion that his colonies could make it on their own and let everyone live free.
That was the whole idea of this new country -- to let everyone have a say in the decisions of the government and to live free to do what ever they wished with no cast system or class system -- all equal and independent with their own goals and wishes and with no state religion -- and able to speak freely without punishment of any kind. (Yes their were slaves and that would be dealt with many years later -- but it WAS dealt with). This was unheard of! No King? No upper ruling class? It just couldn't be done!
As we know -- these men, these colonists, unselfishly got themselves into a helluva war. It was called the Revolusionary War. There were no anesthetics -- not much medicine. Those little lead balls caused lots of problems when they hit someone. The cannon balls blew men apart and shrapnel ripped off legs and arms. They had no uniforms to speak of. They were not trained -- just mostly farmers and store keepers etc -- but they fought and fought and fought again. They often froze in the Winter as then fought without coats or even shoes. General George Washington was their leader and he was a Civil Engineer with the stars of a General thrust upon him. He led with honor and valor -- often leading the troops into harms way. He was shot at numerous times but kept on urging his little army into battle day after week after month. The British army was far far better than our ran-tag soldiers -- but we never quit. Out numbered at every battle -- we outsmarted those redcoats time and time again. We lost thousands of young men and boys in battle after battle. the King -- sitting in his nice warm castle in England -- kept sending more and more troops and ships and guns -- but in spite being outnumbered and of our huge losses -- George Washington's Patriots kept on fighting -- month after month -- from the forests behind the trees and hills -- they kept fighting for the cause they knew was right -- freedom from the tyranny of the British Monarchy. Yes they had some help from France and also the Native Indians -- but our little army fought for over two years after that little document our forefathers sighed back in 1776 that began -- WE THE PEOPLE ! And we won! England gave up and let us have our experiment in government -- our stupid notion that everyone could participate and grow and be successful -- regardless of their station in life. And each State could operate independently and still remain United as a country. And we are still here, aren't we? Look what it precipitated -- the greatest country the world has ever known.
Happy Birthday United state of America.
From the heart of Olaf Hart .....
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
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